Social media process

Social media marketing for businesses is no longer optional, it’s an essential way to reach your customers, gain valuable insights, and grow your brand. It offers a way to show the human side of your brand and offer valuable information about your products, services, and company to your current and potential customers. C3 can help your business come up with a social media content strategy plan that keeps your brand relevant, consistent, and credible.

Meet with Client

Define The Content Topics

It all starts with a meeting. We need to gather information about our client’s goals, business, content available, and budget to propose a plan that supports the client’s social media needs.

Social Media Quote/Proposal

Once we have a thorough understanding of what the client is requesting, we create a proposal that offers solutions to a social media management plan.

Content Strategy Meeting

After the proposal is reviewed and signed, the client and C3 have an in-depth content strategy meeting where we will ask detailed questions about topics worth promoting and sharing through social media channels. This is also when we establish communication and content-gathering processes and timelines with the client.

Social Media Page Setup & Calendar Creation

If set up is part of the agreed scope of work, C3 will create the social media channels. C3 will then draft the social media calendar copy and art direction using the information obtained during the Content Strategy Meeting and other sources.

First Draft of Content Calendar

Initial proof (v1) for client to review
(3 Business Days)

Our social media content copy and art ideas are ready to be shared with the client.

Feedback from Client

Once the client sees the first draft and thoroughly reviews it, they can provide revisions, changes, and comments. This can be done in an email, updated document, or a call/online meeting.


Second (v2) &third (v3) proofs

After receiving feedback from the client, C3 will implement the changes. C3 offers two rounds of revisions and 3 drafts, with the 3rd draft being the final version before we begin to charge the client at our hourly rate. Our creative design team will also submit any graphic art to the client for feedback and offer two rounds of revisions.

Scheduling & Deployment

After all the revisions are finalized and approved by the client, C3 will upload all content into our social media scheduling software to be posted on the approved dates and times.

If a paid strategy component (boosted posts or PPC ads) are part of the agreement, a custom report will be shared with the client in a Reporting Meeting.